Tuesday, October 23, 2007

1st step to learning

Today is a great day for me as I began the quest to learn more about my bicycle. As part of my life learnings in Being, I have decided to Be doing what I do consciously. I decided to service my bike as it cost $60/- every time I send it to Viki for servicing at East Cast.

So here is my task list.

For my Scottie
  1. Replace Brake pads
  2. Clean cassette
  3. Clean jockey wheels
  4. Install power link
  5. Wipe down

For the Yukon I borrowed and cost me more than the rental of the best MTB in the market!!!

  1. Replace derailler hanger
  2. Replace chain
  3. Calibrate rear derailler

Tools Required
  1. Zinn & the Art of Moutain Bike Maintenance (4th Edition)
  2. JTech Allen Key set
  3. Stanley 250mm Variable Wrench
  4. Park Tool FR-5G cassette tool with guide
  5. Park Tool Chain Whip tool
  6. Topeak Multi-tool with chain breaker
  7. Lightning White Lube
  8. WD4D
  9. Finish Line Citrus Degreaser
  10. Park Tool TW2 Torque Wrench
  11. 3/8 inch drive to 1 inch socket
Well, I managed to do all that I planned to do even though I did not have a 3/8 to 1 inch socket to re-torque the cassette. I just estimated the torque required before I get the socket. Not advisible though as you could over torque the lock ring on the cassette and end up having a cassette that is either unsecure or one that cannot be opened after riding as it the lock ring tightens during rides.

The torque wrench in my opinion is the most needed tool by all bike shops who service bikes. I've seen so quite few shops here that do not use a torque wrenchs and I wonder if the bolts on my stem would strip if I stood up and pounded on an uphill climb? It's these little things that look ok but are really subject to questioning when it comes to safety concerns. hmm.... maybe I'm being too anal about this, but as they say, better safe than sorry :)

As for the Yukon, I have decided to return it to its rightful owner. I borrowed it from my neighbour and had it serviced($120) with some part replacements due to the corrosion on the cables, chain and brakes. Took it to BT with Ben for a ride and ended up breaking the rear derailler hanger. It happened so suddenly that I was shocked for words. Ended up riding home in single speed that day. Anyway, I have finally repaired what I call the most expensive rental bike and am proud to return it to its owner before it costs me any more money... Let's see, my total cost comes to ....

Cab to Viki's $12/-
Servicing $120/-
Derailler hanger $25/-
New Chain $23/-
Total $180/-

That is what I had to pay for a single ride on this Giant Yukon 2005 model !!!

A new derailler hanger now sits where the last one broke. Anyway, better luck next time as if i ever decide to go MTB.

Clean parts to set the record straight for a great ride. Check out the new power link that allows me to clean the chain completely without using a chain cleaner. I can now soak the chain in a bottle of degreaser. Yeah!!! Nothing beats clean parts of a bike. The transmission is now so smooth as compared to the dirty chain, jockey wheels, cassette and crank. Planning to take me Scottie out for a ride tomorrow!

Till then, I better get some sleep before I need to put degreaser to clean out the bog coming into my head now...Zzzzz...

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